Crofton Downs Student Portal
Welcome to the student portal for our school.
Welcome to the student portal for our school.
This is where you will find links to helpful sites to support your learning.
This is where you will find links to helpful sites to support your learning.
This site is to provide one place to go for families who may be at home.
Instructions - delete once done
Instructions - delete once done
- This site is an example 'student portal' which we have created for schools moving their operations online. We suggest you make a copy of this site, then personalise it.
- We suggest you set it up with a URL that is easy for your community to remember, for example: is our example URL. If you want help configuring this please get in touch.
- Some of the links above are placeholders. For example the Facebook URL goes to the Learning Architects' page. We suggest you change this to your school page so parents helping their child (or children themselves) can easily keep in touch.
- The pages on the site are also examples which you should adapt for your context. We recommend you have a general links page, a page for parent information, plus the skills for students page which you can grow over time.
If you would like additional help please get in touch with any of the Learning Architects team, we are here to support you.
Rob Clarke
021 590 572